11 students of first year MA of the English Department of KAHM Unity Women’s College attended the two-day international seminar organised by the English department of the University of Calicut on “Posthumanism: Towards a U/(Dys)topia?”

11 students of first year MA of the English Department of KAHM Unity Women’s College attended the two-day international seminar organised by the English department of the University of Calicut on “Posthumanism: Towards a U/(Dys)topia?” on November 14th and 15th, 2023. The event was inaugurated by Dr. N Ramachandran Nair, retired Head of the English department. Dr. Binu James Mathew delivered a compelling talk and the seminar also featured key-talk sessions by Dr. Rajesh James, Dr. Rukhaya Muhammad Kunhi, Dr. Priya K Nair and Dr. Arunlal M. Scholars from various institutions across India actively participated and presented papers on various aspects of Posthumanism, exploring its myriad facets and contemporary significance. Highlights of these sessions included Posthumanism in Cinema, Technophilia and Creativity in the Posthuman Age, Feminist Activism in the Posthuman World, and Digital Revisions of Modern Routine.

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