Combridge (The Bridge Course-2024)

Combridge: The Bridge Course 2024 The PG Department of Commerce, KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, organized “Combridge: The Bridge Course 2024” on the 11th and 12th of July, 2024. The program, held in the Seminar Hall, began with an inaugural address by Ms. T. K. Fathima Shajitha, Head and Associate Professor of Commerce. Ms. Haseena Jasmine C K, the Programme Co-ordinator, welcomed the gathering. Felicitations were delivered by Ms. Farseena Jabeen and Ms. Jumana, Assistant Professors of Commerce. The session concluded with a vote of thanks from Ms. Rahiya Thasneem, Assistant Professor of Commerce. The objectives of this course were to familiarize the new students with the college environment, its facilities, and the academic culture, and to provide insights into the functioning of the college, various academic courses, and the importance of maintaining a balance between health and academic performance. The first day included three technical sessions. The first session, “Know Your College,” was led by Ms. T. K. Fathima Shajitha, followed by a session on “Business Puzzles” presented by Ms. Muhsina K, Assistant Professor of Commerce. After a lunch break, the third session, “Health and Academic Performance,” was conducted by Dr. Annie Ninan, Head and Associate Professor of Home Science. The day concluded with cultural activities presented by senior students. On the second day, the fourth technical session began with a discussion on “Swayam Certificate Courses” by Ms. Mursila Nasry CK, Assistant Professor of Commerce. This was followed by a session on the “Activities and Achievements of Alumnae” led by Ms. Haseena Jasmine C K, Assistant Professor of Commerce. After a lunch break, the final technical session covered “Transferable Skills” which was presented by Ms. M K Vineetha, Assistant Professor of English. The event concluded with a session on “Defence Mechanism” by Ms. Sfitha V, a fifth-semester B.Com Co-operation student. First-semester B.Com Co-operation and B.Com Computer Application students actively participated. The two-day program successfully provided comprehensive insights into various aspects of commerce education and personal development for the participants.


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