Alumni Interaction Session on “Higher Education Opportunities in Central University”

PG Department of Home Science conducted an Alumni interaction on “Higher Education Opportunities in Central University” at Room No B108 on 04th January 2024. The session was handled by Ms. Nusha, Alumna of BSc Family and Community Science 2018-2021 batch, who completed MSc Food Science and Nutrition from Pondicherry Central University.  She shared her personal experiences and details regarding the various central universities offering programs in Home Science. She discussed the application process, eligibility criteria, and other key factors to be considered while applying for higher studies in this field. During the session, the students clarified their doubts related to scholarships, funding opportunities, and career prospects after completing higher studies in Home Science. The session commenced with the welcome by Dr. NV Fatimathu Zuhara, Assistant Professor, Dept.of Home Science. The faculty and student co-ordinators were Ms. Bushaira V, Assistant Professor (Adhoc), Dept. of Home Science and Ms. Shahla K, VI Semester BSc Family and Community Science.

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