Alumni Talk Series 2 – “Understanding a Special Child”

Alumni Talk Series 2 – “Understanding a Special Child” 28 Aug 2024 —————————————- The PG Department of Home Science conducted Alumni Talk Series 2 on the topic “Understanding a Special Child” on August 28, 2024, via Google Meet. The Alumni Talk series is conducted monthly to provide students with insights into real-world applications of Home Science education. The aim of the talk was to create a platform for students and faculty to understand and support special children, promoting inclusivity, awareness, and a positive social attitude. Dr. Annie Ninan, Associate Professor and Head, welcomed participants and highlighted the importance of such alumni interactions in shaping students’ perspectives. The session, “Understanding a Special Child,” was led by Ms. Ruba Henna. M, Headmistress, VKM Special School, Puramannoor, and alumna (BSc FCS 2005-2008). She thoroughly explained the characteristics of special children, different types, causes, importance of early intervention, management, prevention, social attitude, and awareness, and the responsibility of everyone to create a supportive environment. Students and faculty members from the Home Science department, along with some students from the English department, also participated. Ms. Muhsina, Student Coordinator (I Sem MSc Home Science – Nutrition & Dietetics), moderated the session. Ms. Loosiya. KP, Faculty Coordinator and Assistant Professor Adhoc, expressed her gratitude to all participants and concluded the session.

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