Alumni Talk Series – 3

Alumni Talk Series – 3 “Healthy Plate, Healthy Heart”

PG Department of Home Science, organized Alumni Talk Series – 3 on “Healthy Plate, Healthy Heart” on 30 September 2024, via Google Meet, commemorating World Heart Day. The objective was to educate students on maintaining a healthy heart through nutrition and lifestyle modifications, providing a platform to interact with alumni and experts. Dr. Annie Ninan, Associate Professor and Head, welcomed participants. Ms. Sajla Mol. P. K, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, and alumna (MSc HSc (N&D) 2017, BSc FCS 2012), delivered an insightful presentation covering healthy heart, heart diseases, risk factors, prevalence, dietary guidelines, and nutritional management. UG and PG students and faculty members actively participated. Ms. Loosiya K.P., Faculty Coordinator, extended the vote of thanks, while Ms. Amna P.K. (V Sem BSc FCS), student coordinator, efficiently moderated the programme.

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