Central Government Certificate Course on Food Processing and Preservation for Women.

Aiming for Women Development through Employability Training and Upskilling , IQAC decided to offer a certificate course for women of 18-45, on food processing and preservation, in association with JSS, Malappuram district. As part of commencement of the certificate course,a one day session was held on 4 January 2024, in order to brainstorm un-employed women from the rural and urban areas in the neighbourhood of the institution, on the prospects of entrepreneurship and employment for women especially from under previleged sects of society.

Ms Deepa, program officer, JSS, Malappuram was the resource person of the day. Registration for the certificate course on food processing was also done under the guidance of the Resource person. Dr Shahina Mol A K, IQAC Coordinator , welcomed the gathering and explained the goals and expected outcomes of the program. A batch of 20 women will be given the course to equip them for employment and entrepreneurship.


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