Commerce: PATH AHEAD Career Guidance Program

PG Department of commerce conducted a Career Guidance Session on a topic entitled “Commerce: PATH AHEAD” for second and third year B.Com students on Friday, 03 November 2023. The program aimed at guiding the students towards informed decisions regarding their higher education and career choices. The event served its purpose of making students aware of various opportunities and options available to them after completing their graduation, ultimately empowering them to plan their future with confidence and clarity. The program covered a wide range of higher study options, including postgraduate programs, professional courses, and certifications in commerce-related fields. Mr Saidalavi Bangalath,CMA, ACCA (Certified Career Guide-CIGI & Bodhami), was the resource person. The student co-ordinator Ms. Himna Althaf, third year BCom Co-operation welcomed the gathering, Mr. TT Abdul Razak , HOD &Associate Professor of Commerce inaugurated the program and Ms. Nafila CK, third year BCom co-operation proposed the vote of thanks. The program was co-ordinated by Ms. Fathima Shajitha TK., Associate professor of Commerce

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