Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking

Seminar on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking”

The seminar on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” convened at the PG Department of Computer Science on March 26, 2024, with Ms. Fathima Hashim delivering the welcoming speech, setting the stage for an insightful discourse. Ms. Shameema PT, in her presidential address, underscored the critical importance of cyber-security in today’s digital milieu, emphasizing ethical considerations in hacking practices. The seminar featured two distinguished resource persons, Mr. ABHINAND, Cyber security analyst and Mr. VINOD, Marketing Manager, TechByHeart, Calicut who expounded on various facets of cyber security and ethical hacking, including prevalent threats, ethical hacking techniques, and strategies for safeguarding digital assets. Attendees gleaned valuable insights into the dynamic nature of cyber security threats and the imperative of proactive risk mitigation measures. The session also underscored the ethical principles guiding responsible hacking practices, fostering a culture of security awareness and ethical conduct among participants. Overall, the seminar served as a collaborative platform for academia and industry experts to exchange ideas, share best practices, and deepen their understanding of cyber security and ethical hacking in the contemporary digital landscape. Ms. Fida K delivered vote of thanks.


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