Experiential trip to Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary, Malappuram, Kerala

Experiential trip to Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary, Malappuram, Kerala

Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary is located in Kadalundi, near Beypore in the Malappuram district of Kerala, India. It is renowned for its diverse avian population and acts as an important habitat for migratory birds, providing a unique ecosystem that supports a variety of bird species. The sanctuary encompasses mangrove forests, mudflats and tidal ponds, which are vital for the feeding and nesting habits of birds. Mangroves play a crucial role in providing shelter and breeding grounds for several bird species, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the area. On 10th June 2024, PG Department of Botany conducted an experiential trip to Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary for students of Second Semester MSc Botany. The primary objective of the visit was to study the diverse bird species that inhabit the sanctuary and learn about the features and importance of preserving such ecological hotspots. Natives provided informative sessions on the ecological importance of the sanctuary by highlighting the role of mangroves in protecting coastal areas and sustaining marine biodiversity. The participants had the opportunity to interact with researchers and conservationists who shared their experiences in studying and protecting the avian species and their habitats. Discussions emphasized the need for conservation efforts to preserve not only the bird species but also the fragile ecosystems they depend on. Students meticulously observed various species of mangroves present in the sanctuary such as Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera cylindrica etc. and familiarized the adaptations of mangroves in halophytic habitats. The visit to Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary coordinated by Sudheesha K (Assistant Professor Adhoc), Surya EV (Assistant Professor Adhoc) and Farhana Hiba (Second Semester MSc Botany) was both enlightening and inspiring for all participants. It underscored the importance of ecological conservation and provided practical insights into biodiversity management. The experience has encouraged students to actively engage in environmental stewardship and advocate for the preservation of natural habitats.

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