Farewell Function to Mrs. A S Anitha Begum

Farewell Function to Mrs. A S Anitha Begum, Head, Dept. of Home Science

The PG Department of Home Science bid farewell to its most beloved Head Mrs. AS Anitha Begum (Associate Professor) with a grand celebration on 09/03/24. The event commenced with the welcome note by Dr. Annie Ninan. In her talk she reflected on the remarkable leadership, mentorship and contribution by Ms.Anitha Begum to the department’s growth and success over the years. She welcomed the gathering and expressed her happiness and greeted the alumni, representing various batches and the present students too. Principal Prof (Dr). Muhammed Basheer Ummathur in his address, explained how Mrs. Anitha Begum had been an integral part of the institution and how her leadership and guidance led the students towards success. As part of the function a beautifully decorated cake baked by an alumnus added a sweet touch to the occasion. Amidst the applause Mrs. Anitha Begum stepped forward to cut the cake and the cake pieces were distributed to the gathering. As a token of appreciation, the department and various alumni batches presented mementos symbolising the gratitude and respect held for Mrs. A S Anitha Begum. This was followed by the sumptuous farewell lunch organized by the department showing the strong bonds formed within the department. The highlight of the event was the vibrant cultural programme by the current students and alumni. Each performance showcased the diverse talents of the students. Around 150 alumni from various batches participated in the function. Alumni representatives shared heartfelt anecdotes and expressed their gratitude for her mentorship which continued to resonate in their professional and day to day lives. In her reply remarks, she expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming love and support extended to her throughout her tenure. Dr. N V Fatimathu Zuhara in her vote of thanks expressed her deepest gratitude to HoD’s dedication and leadership. She mentioned how the department has flourished by her mentorship and determination. She extended her gratitude to the organizing committee, comprising of alumni, present students, staff and non- teaching staff of the department who worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Last but not the least she expressed her wishes to Mrs. A S Anitha Begum to lead a life filled with joy, peace and fulfillment in the years to come


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