Field visit to Central Coffee Research Institute: Department of Botany, KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, organized a field visit to the Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI), Chikmangalur on February 5, 2024. The initiative, led by Dr. Usman A., HOD, Department of Botany and Dilna PP (6th Sem BSc Botany), saw the active participation of 45 BSc Final year students. The visit encompassed a comprehensive exploration of various facets within CCRI. The students first delved into the intricacies of molecular biology lab, gaining hands-on experience with instruments like PCR. This exposure provided them with a practical understanding of molecular techniques employed in plant research. Subsequently, the group proceeded to the Plant Pathology lab, where they encountered an array of pest trapping devices and studied different pathogens affecting plants. This segment heightened their awareness of plant diseases and strategies for their mitigation. The exploration continued with a visit to the coffee fields, offering students a firsthand look at diverse varieties of coffee plants. This practical encounter in the field allowed them to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. The visit to CCRI not only expanded the student’s understanding of plant biology but also underscored the interdisciplinary nature of botanical research.