First Year B Sc FCS PTA Meeting ——————————- The PTA meeting for first year B Sc Family & Community Science was held on 23rd February 2024 at 2.00pm in B308. Mrs. A S Anitha Begum, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Home Science welcomed the parents and briefed on the purpose of the meeting. The Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, addressed the parents about the need for regular monitoring of the academic performance of the students for their better career. The progress report of the students containing the first semester internal exam scores were distributed to their parents. Dr Fatimathu Zuhara NV, Assistant Professor of Home Science and the I B Sc FCS class tutor, elaborated on the performance of students in the first semester internal exams, their attitude towards studies, and their level of participation in the classroom. Dr. Annie Ninan, Associate Professor of Home Science further added that the students need to focus more on their studies to achieve success in exams. Dr K Fousi, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Zoology gave an overview of students’ performance in the Zoology subject, the structure of internal assessment and urged the parents to strongly insist their wards to put more effort in their academics. A face to face interaction between each parent and faculty was also conducted at the end to evaluate each student’s performance in studies. The parents assured their cooperation and support for the overall development of their wards. Around thirty two parents attended the meeting.