Biodiversity Club, one of the clubs that functional in Korambayil Ahamed Haji Memorial Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, focuses on conserving and stabilizing the diversity of nature. The club is mainly concentrated on creating knowledge regarding biodiversity conservation strategies and need of ecosystem protection for human wellbeing, among the students. As part of the students-based activities, the club was conducted the day celebrations (World Environment Day), ecosystem conservation concept generating workshops (Preparation and maintenance of Terrarium), events that making spark on rare plant germplasm conservation (Releasing of Endangered Species Illustrated Calander 2023) etc. in the last year which were improved the attitude of students towards the environment protection and biodiversity conservation in the campus.

To enforce the activities of the club, Kerala Biodiversity Board, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695003, sanctioned the fund of 5000/- (File No. A15/714/KSBB/2022) that aimed to fix the Biodiversity Club Board with registration number (KSBB/BDC/10 079) and develop a Biodiversity Spot in the Campus. The club members conducted the corresponding events on 22nd December 2023 in presence of Prof. (Dr.) Muhammed Basheer Ummathur (Principal, KAHM Unity women’s College) and Dr. Usman A. (Head of the Department of Botany, KAHM Unity women’s College) and the events coordinated by Dr. Deepa P. and Ms. Surya E.V. (Coordinator and Joint Coordinator of Biodiversity Club) of Botany Department.

The Biodiversity Club Board prepared as per the format given by Kerala Biodiversity Board, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and fixed in the campus. As the second activity, the club initiated the work of ‘Biodiversity Spot’ in the campus that conserves the germplasm of different plant groups including bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms in a single spot. The plants of various habitats like aquatic, epiphytic and terrestrial, play major role in the diversity conservation of the spot; similarly, fauna of the pond also contributes equal role in aquatic ecosystem balance together with plant species, Pistia and Lemna.

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