Income Tax Returns and Filing (Workshop)

The PG department of commerce, KAHM Unity women’s College, Manjeri organised a comprehensive workshop on the Topic “Income tax returns and filing” on August 19, 2024 at 2.30 pm in the College Auditorium. This initiative aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application of Income Tax Returns and Filing. The workshop was inaugurated by Ms.Fathima Shajitha TK, HOD of Commerce. In her inaugural address, she highlighted the importance of learning E-filing of income tax return. Ms. Shajla k, assistant professor (adhoc ) welcomed the gathering. The programme aimed to equip students with the fundamental knowledge of basics of income tax, five heads of Income and filing of income tax returns. The Resource person,Mr.CMA Salmanul Faris, Director of Institute for Business Accounts and Taxation (I – BAT), Manjeri, provided a comprehensive overview of the filing of income tax returns and familiarise the students with latest regulations and amendments related to Income Tax.He also demonstrated the usage of digital platforms for filing tax returns and step by step guidance on filing returns using the online portal.Ms. Mursila Nasri CK, Assistant professor(Adhoc) felicitated the function. The student Co – ordinator Ms.Nitha.C,5th sem B.Com co-operation proposed the vote of thanks.

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