International Hansatech Research Award handover ceremony:
Dr. Faseela P, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, ceremoniously handovered the prestigious International Hansatech Research Award i.e., a Pocket PEA instrument, Photosynthetic Efficiency Analyzer, rapid screening continuous excitation ultraportable chlorophyll fluorescence measurement system from Hansatech Instruments, King’s Lynn, UK to Prof. Dr. Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, Principal of the college. This instrument has recieved as an International Award for obtaining the highest number of citations in WOS among the articles of the Special Issue in the International Journal Photosynthetica, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, entitled as ‘Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters as indicators of particular abiotic stress in rice’. This award, valued at 1.5 lakhs, marks a significant achievement in the study of photosynthesis and plant science. The handover ceremony was attended by Dr. Usman A, Head of the Department of Botany, along with other faculty members and enthusiastic students from the Botany Department. The Chlorophyll Fluorometer is an advanced instrument crucial for assessing photosynthetic efficiency and other fluorescence parameters in living plants, thereby enhancing research capabilities in botanical sciences at KAHM Unity Women’s College. This award not only recognizes academic achievement but also reinforces KAHM Unity Women’s College’s position as a hub for innovative botanical research and education in the region, inspiring future generations of botanists and researchers to explore new frontiers in plant biology.