IQAC Faculty Development Workshop

Prodigy Path : IQAC Faculty Development Workshop

Internal Quality Assurance Cell ( IQAC) organized faculty development workshop on Reforms in Higher Education : Prospects of Outcome Based Education and FYUGP on 7 March 2024. Dr Yazir , Assistant Professor of Economics , Farook College served as the resource person. He delivered an insightful session on OBE in the wake of four year undergraduate program of University of Calicut. Session also shed light on Kerala’s changing higher education scenario and the preparedness from the part of institution and faculty members. In the program chaired by Prof ( Dr) Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, Principal of the institution, Dr Shahina Mol AK, IQAC Coordinator welcomed the gathering and Mr Shabeer Mon M, IQAC member delivered the vote of thanks. Mr Mohammed Abdul Hakkeem, Head of Physics and Ms Reena C M, faculty of English also spoke during the occasion. The session evaluated that a well planned system is necessary for the HEI to excel in the changing paradigms of higher education.

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