Library Council Meeting

The library council meeting for the year 2023 was held on November 13, 2023, at the conference hall. The meeting started at 3:45 pm, and all 11 members were present at the meeting. The welcome speech was made by librarian Ms. Harsha K.P., and principal Prof. Dr. Muhammed Basheer Ummathur gave the presidential address. The agenda of the meeting was library software, library infrastructure, verification reports, and general matters. The discussion ended with some decisions. Some of the important decisions included installing new library automation software KOHA instead of the present software Bookmagic, conducting a stock verification process after completing all the entries to the software, promoting N-List to improve E-Library usage, increasing the usage of journals, creating a new system for question paper distribution to different departments, etc.The meeting came to an end with the vote of thanks by Dr. Usman A., HOD of Botany.


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