National Child Health Day-Community Outreach Programme

As part of national child health day, the PG Department of Home Science and Trend preschool, Elayur conducted a nutritional status assessment programme among preschool children on 3rd October 2022. The third semester Home Science students (Nutrition and Dietetics), Rashidha Banu. P.P., Thashreefa P. M., Shamna. K., Raheela. Tiba, K. K. and Hasna Abdusalam assessed the nutritional status of the preschoolers based on their height, weight and BMI, and provided diet counselling to their parents. Mrs.Rashidha Banu P.P. conducted a general awareness class for the parents on the importance of nutritionally balanced food for preschoolers. Mrs Shahala.K., Assistant Professor (Adhoc) of of Home Science was the faculty coordinator.

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