National Webinar on “Gourmet to Grocery: The Journey of Food Product Commercialization”

The PG department of Home Science and Home Science Innovation and Incubation Centre jointly organised a National Webinar on “Gourmet to Grocery: The Journey of Food Product Commercialization” on 05.12.2023 at 2.15pm through google meet. The webinar aimed at facilitating a deep understanding of the process of food product development and scaling up with precision for marketing. The webinar started with a short introduction of the event by the student coordinator, Ms. Liyana Abdul Jabbar, I M Sc Home Science (Nutrition & Dietetics). Mrs. A S Anitha Begum, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Home Science welcomed the participants. The webinar was inaugurated by the Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Muhammed Basheer Ummathur. Dr A Thahira Banu, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Home Science, Gandhigram Rural Institute- Deemed to be University, Tamil Nadu, delivered the keynote address, narrating the various steps involved in the scientific process of food product development and its commercialisation. She inspired the students by sharing her journey of transforming the ideas derived from the interaction with local people into income generating profitable food products. Being a patent holder, she also described the procedures and challenges associated with the procurement of a patent. Following the mind blowing session, students and staff interacted with the expert and clarified their doubts. There were around 84 participants in the webinar including the students and staff from various colleges both in and out of Kerala.The webinar concluded with the vote of thanks conveyed by the faculty coordinator Dr. N V Fatimathu Zuhara, Assistant Professor of Home Science.

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