One Day Workshop

PG Department of Commerce conducted an insightful “ ” on 23rd January 2024, as a part of ongoing department initiative for continuous students’ enlightenment and enrichment program. This program was held in the seminar hall, aimed to enhance the students understanding of Professional Accounting practices and to evoke an inspiration to the preferred career choice. Mr. Abilash, K.,Chapter Head at IPA was the resource person. During his presentation, he shared valuable insights and called upon the students to prepare for addressing the real-word scenario and the emerging industry trends. The event contained activities like Content delivery, interactive discussion, games and role-plays etc. and was very useful for the audience to set a solid career map in their life. Mrs.Sandhya.PT faculty coordinator, delivered the welcome speech. Mr. T.T Abdul Razak, Head of the Department, spoke on the occasion. A total of 110 Students of both Final BCom Cooperation and Final BCom CA attended the program.

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