Online Meeting Organized by the Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB)

An online meeting organized by the Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB) was held today at 11 AM to discuss the initiation of Green Audit at K.A.H.M Unity Women’s College, Manjeri. Chaired by KSBB Member Secretary Sri V Balakrishnan, the meeting was attended by Prof. (Dr.) Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, the College Principal; Shahina Mol AK, IQAC Coordinator; Shabeermon M, Criterion 7 Coordinator; Ms. Sangeetha, Criterion 7 member; and other KSBB staff. It was decided to commence the audit with the support of college staff and selected students. The auditing team will visit the campus after the necessary data is collected, with the principal assuring full cooperation from the college. Mr. Sreedharan, staff at KSBB, expressed his gratitude to all participants.

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