Paper Publication and Editorship

Dr. Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, Principal published a research paper entitled, “Conjugated Tetracarbonyl Ligands and Their Metal Complexes” in the Journal of Advanced Scientific Research [Issue 13(6), Year 2022, Page 74-78, ISSN: 0976-9595. Ms. AS Anitha Begum, Associate Professor & HoD, published a book on ‘Trends in Food Chemistry, Nutrition and Technology in Indian Subcontinent’ with ISBN No. 978-3-031-06303 in Springer International Publishers. The co- authors are Suny Mary Varghese, Salavatore Parisi, and Rajeev.K.Singla. Ms. Aswathi M.P. serves the role of Executive Editor of Singularities, an International Peer Reviewed Transdisciplinary Biannual Research Journal (ISBN:2348 3369, Impact Factor: 6.875) that published Volume 9, Issue 2 (July 2022 Issue) in the current month. She has also published a research paper titled, Counter Narrative and Woman’s Desire: Reflections on Ahalya in the Light of Vishnu Narayanan Namboothiri’s “Ahalyamoksham” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR: ISSN 2348 1269) Vol 9, Issue 3, July 2022. Ms. M.K. Vineetha has published a paper entitled, Inculcating Love of Learning: Theoretical Explorations in Singularities Journal, Vol.9, Issue 2, July 2022. ISSN 2348-3369 and impact factor 6.875.

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