Seethi Sahib Chair in collaboration with Debate and Politics Club organized a session on 21st Century Skills on 21 November 2023 in the College Auditorium. Mr. Bisher K C, the life coach and the CEO of Skillage has delivered the session. In his talk, he talked about the essential skills required in the contemporary world and in the job market. Mr..Abdul Rof, Seethi Sahib Chair Director, welcomed the gathering and Principal Prof.(Dr.) Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, delivered the presidential address. Er. O. Abdul Ali, Manager of the College, Dr. Shahina Mol A K, IQAC Cordinator, and Mr. Muhammedali Kanniyan, Member, Seethi Sahib Chair spoke on the occassion. Ms. Fathima Thasni, General Secretary, College Union delivered vote of thanks.