Shihab Thangal Library and Information Center arranged library user orientation session for 4th-semester BSc Botany and BSc Home Science department students on Thursday, 7th March 2024, from 1:30 to 3:45 pm. The program was aimed to create insight among students about services and resources offered by the College Library.
Mr. Yunus TP, UGC Librarian, led the session covering various information resources, services, operational methodologies, and techniques used for easy information retrieval and utilization of library resources.
More than 60 students attended and actively participated in the program . Hands-on session regarding smart searching of OPAC, N-LIST resources, open access content etc., were conducted. Furthermore, the discussions covered how subjects are organized, the vital role of journals and references in academic pursuits, the importance of fostering a strong reading habit, and how it influences the progress of both students and faculty etc . The session also addressed the library’s rules and regulations to maintain discipline and neatness, ensuring smooth functioning of the library and information centre.
Mr. Yusuf Vallanchira and Mr. Koyakkutty, Library Assistants, actively supported and assisted in serving and arranging library-related the programs.