On 10th November 2023, PG Department of Botany, KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri organized the harvesting of vermicompost organic manure and handed over to the collaborated Plant Nursery, Green Gate, Chadikkallu, Manjeri; instead, they provided the saplings of Melastoma sp., Asplenium sp., Echinocactus sp., Gardenia sp., Zamia sp. etc. to the Department for enforcing plant diversity conservation. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Usman A. (Head & Assistant Professor), Surya E.V. (Assistant Professor Adhoc) and Ayisha Febin P.N. (1st Semester, M.Sc. Botany) of the Botany Department to create an idea about composting the organic wastes to produce superior quality manure for feeding our “nutrient or organic matter hungry” soils.
The production and distribution of vermicompost, the soil conditioner and plant feeding material produced by earthworm species (Eudrilus eugeniae) on the basis of changing the physical and chemical structure of bovine faeces, play as extension activity of the Department which focuses the restoration and protection of ecosystem naturally. Through this organic waste recycling procedure, the students are more likely to learn about the importance of protecting the planet and take action in their own lives together with the academic life.