The PG department of Home Science celebrated ‘World Diabetes Day’ on 14/11/2023.The programme was inaugurated by Principal Prof.(Dr.). Muhammad Basheer Ummathur.As part of this, a full meal menu for a diabetic patient was displayed and this conveyed an idea of dietary management of Diabetis Mellitus.The foods with low& high glycaemic index was also displayed . Diabetic snack preparation competition for the students and blood sugar testing camp for teaching and non teaching staffs were also conducted .Around 25 staff members participated in the blood sugar test camp. Mrs. Noufiya Thasni, student of 1st sem MSc Home Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) has got first prize in snack preparation competition.The programme was coordinated by Mrs Shahla K, Assistant professor (Adhoc), and Mrs. Risba Sirin K, student of 1st sem MSc Home Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)