Inter-Departmental Alumni Talk on ‘Yoga for Health and Happiness’
On 18th March 2024, PG Department of Botany organized an Inter-Departmental Alumni Talk on ‘Yoga for Health and Happiness’ in connection with International Day of Happiness, 20th March 2024. The event coordinated by Sudheesha K., Assistant Professor Adhoc, PG Department of Botany and Farhana Hiba P., Second Semester MSc Botany. The session began with an introductory speech on ‘Yoga Awareness’ by the resource person, Lt. Loosiya K.P., Assistant Professor Adhoc, PG Department of Home Science and addressed to the Second Semester M.Sc. Botany students about yoga and importance of it in our day-to-day life for physical and mental fitness. Resource person practically demonstrated various ‘asanas’ like Tadasana, Padmasana, Vrikshasana, Padahasthasana, Trikonasana, Vajrasana, Sasankasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Salabhasana, Halasana and Chakrasana, and highlighted their benefits to human life. Asanas started with warming up and stretching. Exercises for relieving stress and joint pain, and enhancing the flexibility of the body were also done for the benefit of the students. The session was useful and beneficial to all the participants and ended with vote of thanks delivered by Sreya T.P., Second Semester M.Sc. Botany.