A Journey Towards Environmental Awareness

Trekking for Unity hills: A Journey Towards Environmental Awareness

*Organized By: * Department of Malayalam, K.A.H.M Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, in collaboration with the Adventure Club

*Participants: * 60 Students

On June 14, 2024, the Department of Malayalam at K.A.H.M Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, organized a trekking expedition to Unity Hills in collaboration with the college’s Adventure Club. Led by Noushad Ali P.K. (Co Ordinator, adventure club) and Mahmood Minhaj (Department of Arabic) Dr. Hikmathulla V., Arifa Beegum,(Department of Malayalam), the trek aimed to provide students with a unique learning experience while fostering a deeper appreciation for environmental conservation.

The trek served a dual purpose. It offered students a chance to challenge themselves physically and connect with nature, promoting a sense of well-being and camaraderie. More importantly, the trek served as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Unity Hills, students were able to directly observe the delicate balance of the ecosystem. This firsthand experience likely prompted discussions amongst the participants about the threats our environment faces and the responsibility we all share in protecting it.

Through this initiative, the Department of Malayalam and the Adventure Club successfully combined academic pursuits with environmental consciousness. The trek provided students with a memorable experience that transcended traditional classroom learning, fostering a connection with nature and a commitment to its preservation. This collaborative effort paves the way for future endeavors that promote environmental stewardship amongst the college community.


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