International Yoga Day

The Department of Psychology observed International Yoga Day on 21st June with an engaging educational event tailored for first-year psychology students. The event aimed to highlight the benefits of yoga for mental health and well-being. The session started with the Welcome note of Mrs. Fathima Shirin K A. yoga session conducted by Ms. Ayisha Risni K (Alumni 2021-2024) as well as NCC cadet. She Focus on basic yoga postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. git Emphasis on mindfulness and stress reduction techniques. The event saw enthusiastic participation from all first-year psychology students. The interactive elements, especially the yoga session, were well-received. It was a successful and impactful event. It provided first-year psychology students with valuable knowledge and practical skills to enhance their mental health through yoga. The event coordinated by Mrs. Fathima Shirin K A & Ms. Dilna (1st year student)


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