Wooden Mural Art

Workshop on “Wooden Mural Art”

Ed Club organized a workshop on “Wooden Mural Art” on 6th March 2024 with the aim of providing the participants with hands-on experience and knowledge about the art of wooden mural creation. Mrs. Subha M, Fevicryl Expert Teacher was the Resource Person. Participants learned various painting techniques and methods for adding colour and texture to their wooden murals. Throughout the workshop, participants were encouraged to unleash their creativity and experiment with different styles and themes, resulting in a diverse range of wooden mural artworks. 40 members of the ED Club participated in the event. The program was inaugurated by Mr. TT Abdul Razak, the Head of Department of Commerce. It was co-ordinated by Ms. Fathima Shajitha and student co-ordinator Nafila CK.


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