Workshop on Landscape Photography


Workshop on Landscape Photography Photography Club 01 March 2024 A workshop on Landscape Photography was conducted by the Photography Club on 1st March 2024 at Multimedia Digital Studio. Landscape photography is a genre of photography that captures images of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, and other outdoor landscapes. The main objectives of the workshop were; a)to understand the principles and techniques of landscape photography, including equipment, composition, lighting, and post-processing, b) to develop proficiency among students in using cameras, lenses, filters, etc. c) to understand the role of lighting and exposure in landscape photography, and how to use natural and artificial light to create mood and atmosphere. The resource person for the session was Mr. Shihab Valasy, a Landscape and Street Photographer (All India Photography and State Photography Award Winner). He explained the theories as well as the practical side of landscape photography. Lt. Loosiya KP (Assistant Professor Adhoc, PG Dept. of Home Science), Photography Club Coordinator, welcomed the gathered. Ms. Bushaira. V (Assistant Professor Adhoc, PG Dept. of Home Science) Joint Coordinator of the Club, Mr. Mohammed Siraj. KM, Mutimedia Studio Assistant (VFX Supervisor in Film Industry), and 20 students participated in the session. The session ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Photography Club President Ms. Amna. PK (4th Sem BSc FCS).

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