World Photography Day – Photography Competition

World Photography Day – Photography Competition

The Photography Club of KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, conducted a photography competition on August 19, 2024, as part of World Photography Day. The theme of the competition was “An Entire Day.” The aim of the competition was to encourage students to showcase their photography skills, and the objective was to select winners based on their creativity and skill. A total of 20 entries were received, and the winners were announced. Ms. Shilpa. P of III Sem MA English secured the first position, followed by Ms. Fathima Safa from III Sem BA English in second place. The third position was shared by Ms. Amna. PK (V Sem BSc FCS) and Ms. Shifna Sherin. P (V Sem BSc CS). A special appreciation was given to Dr. NV. Fatimathu Zuhara, Assistant Professor, PG Dept. of Home Science, for her beautiful photo from the staff side. The judges for the competition were Mr. Muhammed Siraj. KM (Multimedia Studio Assistant) and Ms. Loosiya. KP (Club Coordinator). The prizes and certificates will be provided to the winners. The faculty coordinator for the event was Ms. Loosiya. KP (Club Coordinator, Assistant Professor Adhoc, PG Dept. of Home Science), and the student coordinator was Ms. Amna. PK (Club President, V Sem BSc FCS).


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